Intro to Papermaking Feb 15 2025
Intro to Papermaking
Allison Roscoe
SAT FEB 15, 9 am - 12 pm 
1-day session $45 (includes $15 material fee)
Learn to create unique sheets of (Western-style) paper with moulds and deckles and various fibers pulped in a Hollander beater.  Be prepared to get wet, have fun and make sheets of paper that can be used for drawing, painting, printmaking and 3-D constructions.
No prior experience is necessary.  Open to beginners and advanced paper makers.  
All paper making classes taught by Allison Roscoe.
Paper must dry overnight and be picked up on Monday, February 17 between 9am - 3pm.  Please call our office (808) 988-1287 to coordinate a pick-up time if you cannot come on 2/17. Unclaimed paper will be recycled after 1 week if you do not arrange pick-up. 

Limited to 6 participants.  Minimum of 4 necessary to run the course.




Saturday February 15
This event is no longer on sale.
Event name
Start time
End time
Ticket type Fee

Intro to Papermaking Feb 15 2025
Saturday February 15

9:00 AM
12:00 PM