Hawaiian Science: ‘Ike o ka Po‘e ‘Imiloa (Knowledge of a Far-seeking People)
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In his book Ka Moʻoʻōlelo Hawaii, 19th-century kanaka intellectual Kepelino wrote:
"Ahu kupanaha ia, Hawaiʻi ‘imi loa! E noiʻi wale mai nō ka haole-a, ‘aʻole e pau nā hana a Hawaii ‘imi loa."
A heap of amazing things can be learned about Hawai'i! However diligently the foreigner inquires, he cannot completely fathom all of the doings of far seeking Hawaiians.
This presentation on Hawaiian Science, ‘Ike o ka po’e ‘imi loa (Knowledge of a far-seeking people) is inspired by Kepelino’s characterization of Hawaiian knowledge as “imi loa,” “far-seeking.” Learn about the similarities and differences between Hawaiian and Western knowledge systems, and the future of collaborative knowledge sharing to benefit us all.
Please join us for our next Virtual Kahaukani Conversations event on Thursday, August 27 at 5 pm. This presentation will take place over zoom. Please register below and a link will be emailed to you prior to the presentation.